Puppy Home 1-2-1 foundation training

Puppy Home 1-2-1 foundation training

Start training your new pup from 8 weeks old with a 3-session programme which will cover the foundations on what is needed to set your puppy on a positive path to listening and bonding with you. Additional sessions can be added for more advanced training in distracting areas. This initial course will teach you and your puppy so many useful skills and techniques to start implementing from the start.

1-2-1 Puppy Training

  • Programme of 3-sessions to cover foundation training and confidence in young pups
  • From preparing puppy for grooming, using a harness, reflex to name, eye contact work through to chewing/nipping problems.
  • Socialisation and desensitisation advice, door manners and crate/settle training.
  • These sessions will give your pup the basics to get off to a good start and for the owner to learn every day training techniques to put in place from day one.
  • A programme tailored to your dogs breed and home routine to help the owner, as well as improve pup’s confidence and impulse control.
  • Detailed written report to use as a forward guide.

Start training your new pup from 8 weeks old with a 3-session programme which will cover the foundations on what is needed to set your puppy on a positive path to listening and bonding with you. Additional sessions can be added for more advanced training in distracting areas. This initial course will teach you and your puppy so many useful skills and techniques to start implementing from the start

1-2-1 Puppy Training

  • Programme of 3-sessions to cover foundation training and confidence in young pups
  • From preparing puppy for grooming, using a harness, reflex to name, eye contact work through to chewing/nipping problems.
  • Socialisation and desensitisation advice, door manners and crate/settle training.
  • These sessions will give your pup the basics to get off to a good start and for the owner to learn every day training techniques to put in place from day one.
  • A programme tailored to your dogs breed and home routine to help the owner, as well as improve pup’s confidence and impulse control.
  • Detailed written report to use as a forward guide.
Puppy Home 1-2-1 foundation training